+91 (79) 40062087 [email protected]


Fire Claims

Scope of Cover

Fire Insurance policy covers property damage due to Fire plus natural/manmade disasters. Perils covered under policy are Fire, Lightning, Explosion/Implosion, Aircraft Damage, RSMD, Impact damage, Subsidence and landslide including Rock slide, Bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus and Pipes, Missile testing operations, Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installation, Bush Fire.

Earthquake, Terrorism, STFI, Spontaneous Combustion are few add on covers which are recommended for better risk cover.

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Claim Steps :

1 :

Inform Fire Brigade also the Police (if required) immediately.

2 :

Inform Insurer along with rough estimate of loss.

3 :

The intimation may be sent by telephone / e-mail / facsimile followed by a letter.

4 :

Take immediate steps to minimize the loss. Segregate the damages from undamaged property and quarantine.

5 :

Preserve and protect the Salvage until you are told to dispose.

6 :

Obtain Fire Brigade Report and Fire Brigade Bill. Fire fighting expenses will be reimbursed as a part of the claim.

7 :

Obtain Police Report / Police Panchanama if required.

8 :

Submit the claim form giving all the particulars. List out the items affected vis-à-vis the Policy.

9 :

Prepare a detailed estimate of loss sustained with supports like, quotations for repair/replacement etc.

10 :

Extend full cooperation to the Surveyor by submitting necessary documents required by him.

11 :

In case of natural calamities, obtain meteorological report, if required. For localized incidents/phenomena, certification by local bodies may be obtained.

12 :

Independent test reports/opinions for cause of loss and other reasons to substantiate the claim.

13 :

Request for an On-Account/interim payment from Insurer for high value claims to mitigate financial strain in repair/reinstating the property.

14 :

Submit the valuation report of all the properties Insured under the policy.

15 :

Submit relevant stock statement material to loss.

16 :

Retain bills/reports for Reinstatement of property damaged.

17 :

Option to claim under Market Value chosen if replacement is not possible due to any reason.

18 :

Market Value Policies need not prove reinstatement.

19 :

Submit the Final Claim Bill containing the details of the cost incurred towards property damaged.

20 :

Submit the quotation for the salvage indicating the value of available material damaged.

21 :

Please always quote the Policy number in the initial communication and the claim number in subsequent communications.

Claim Documents (Fire) :

1 :

Claim Intimation.

2 :

Claim Form duly filled and signed.

3 :

Estimate of loss with details of property affected and corresponding values.

4 :

Fire Brigade Report.

5 :

Fire fighting expenses invoices.

6 :

Meteorological/other relevant reports for claims out of natural calamities.

7 :

Police Report if required, eg. Riot/malicious damage claims or any loss arising out of suspicious circumstance etc.

8 :

Photographs taken during/immediately after loss.

9 :

Disposal of salvage details.

10 :

Valuation report for the property insured.

11 :

Replacement /Labor bills/Vouchers (under replacement value policies).

12 :

NOC from the Bank/FI for settlement to the Insured.

13 :

Approved plan copy of Municipal authorities

14 :

Placement of Fire Extinguishers-Sketch

15 :

In case of Implosion/Explosion report from Inspector of Boilers.

16 :

In case of falling of Foreign Objects/Aircraft Damage FIR for local Police Station

17 :

In case of terrorist attacks FIR from Local Police Station.

18 :

In case of Riot and Strike FIR from Local Police Station.

19 :

In case of Manufacturing Units: License issued by Inspector of Factories, Stock Statement for 30 days, Statement of Stock in process and Purchase bill of Raw Materials and Statement of Finished Products with value.

20 :

In case of Office Buildings: Approved Plan Copy, Inventory List and Purchase bill of Furniture/Fixtures/Fittings.

21 :

In case of Shops: License from Local Authority under Shops and Establishment Act, Copy of Inventory for last 30 days, Copy of purchase bills, Sales Invoice for the last 30 days. In case of Sale but not delivered the list should be produced. List of Furniture/Fixtures/Fittings and Municipal Tax Receipts.

22 :

In case of Residential Buildings: Approved Plan Copy, List of contents, Purchase bills if available and Municipal tax receipts.

23 :

Please always quote the Policy number in the initial communication and the claim number in subsequent communications.

General intimation form

At the time of an unforeseen event when you need immediate assistance and support you can contact your insurer through below mentioned modes.

Call Center

Claims Service Representative of Insurer (CSR) shall help you to intimate claim fast and smooth for you. Please feel free to call them on stated phone number mentioned Here round the 365 days.

Walk In

If you wish to intimate your claim in person, Please feel free to visit your policy issuing Insurer Branch Mon- Fri 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM (Except for National Holidays). Please refer Here for more information.

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